Fresh Strawberry Lemonade

Summer has been a little of a balancing act for me this year. Well, it seems to always be a balancing act but it seems this year is just a little more difficult. Being a work at home mom makes it difficult to work when you kids are home. My daughter is 8 going on 9 but she is an ADHD kid so she can be quite trying at times. Some days are good, some days... not so much. So I can wake up with a plan but in an instant that can change. When she was in school I had time to myself to work and get things done. Now I feel like I am drowning. Drowning in work, dishes, laundry, housework, appointments, cooking, and trying to be a good Moma by doing fun things so her summer is not a waste. I am still working on that last part. 

Summer and lemonade just go so well together. I always try to have lemons on hand for cooking because it can add such a bright and fresh flavor to so many things. I found my lemons needing some love so I thought lemonade was in order today. I didn't have any fresh strawberries on hand but I did have some frozen berries that I keep on hand for smoothies. 

Since I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with life and responsibilities I needed to amp up my normal lemonade. I mean, it was just a little to early in the day to make a cocktail, right?  Yeah, it has been that kind of day. So as I sip on this strawberry lemonade, I will just imagine there is a little something extra in it. Even if it is just to boost this overwhelmed moma's spirits for just a few minutes. 


Fresh Strawberry Lemonade

1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries, pureed in the blender or food processor

1 cup sugar
 1 cup water (for the simple syrup)
 1 cup lemon juice
 3 cups cold water (to dilute)

 Make simple syrup by heating the sugar and water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely.  Set aside to cool. While the sugar is dissolving, use a juicer to extract the juice from 4 to 6 lemons, enough for one cup of juice.  Add the juice and the sugar water to a pitcher. Add the pureed strawberries and 3 cups of cold water, more or less to the desired strength. Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes. If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more straight lemon juice to it. Serve with ice, sliced lemons, strawberries, and a spring of mint. 

*you may not need to use all the simple syrup depending on the sweetness of the berries. Use half and test for sweetness and adjust accordingly. 

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  1. I am a massive citrus fan. Right now it's winter here so I will be saving this recipe for summer time. With your struggles and this post the phrase "when life gives you lemons-make lemonade " comes to mind. Haha :)

  2. This sounds delicious! I wonder if you could sub some agave syrup for the simple syrup too!

  3. I am a huge citrus fan too Jade. You are so right, when I was writing it I never thought to add that line in. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hi Liz,

    I think substituting agave syrup would work well in this or even honey. Great tip to keep in mind the next time I make it. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Looks amazing, will defiantly be trying this out in the summer.

  6. Thanks Alexandra,

    I hope you get to try it and love it like I have. Thanks for stopping by.


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