Creamy Fruit Salad

This Creamy Fruit Salad is always a favorite whenever I make it. It is filled with fruit cocktail, pineapples, and mandarin oranges. It takes literally minutes to throw together and it make a bunch.  Perfect for birthday parties, get togethers, or just because. We love this stuff! 

A few weekends ago, on what was the coldest day of the year, we decided to get out of the house and do a little stocking up on our groceries at BJ's. We like to go there to get our normal items that we use on a regular basis. Being able to buy things in bulk has really saved us time and money. We have to travel at least an hour to shop there so it is not a trip we take too often.  We try to plan other things that we can do there to make the trip worthwhile. 

One of the places we like to hit up is the Goodwill store. it is my favorite place to get used cookbooks, kitchenware, and household items that we can use and I can use for my food photography. I had not planned to stop on this particular day because it was so cold. A trip to BJ's and to grab a bite to eat was the only thing that was on the agenda. The entire drive I kept thinking I should stop at Goodwill. After several times of it running through my mind I spoke up and said "let's go to Goodwill." I just felt compelled to go, like it was meant for me to go. I didn't get any complaints from the crew but I still didn't understand why I needed to go. 

Even while shopping I felt there was a reason I was there. My concentration was still not on shopping but on "why am I here?"  We were close to the kids clothes so we wandered that way so our daughter could look at the rack of dresses. She has to do this every time we go and I still couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. So I just hung around why she browsed and kind of flipped through the rack of jackets. Still haphazardly shopping until I saw a jacket that would fit my daughter and then I had an ah-ha moment. I finally realized why I was there. 

A few days before a friend of ours that works with troubled teens posted on his facebook page that this teen and his sister needed some clothes. The little girl, who is about the size of my daughter, also needed a coat because someone stole hers at school. Remember, it was the coldest day of the year. I had gone through my daughters clothes and donated some things she couldn't wear but felt horrible because it was only a few pairs of pants. God placed that child on my heart and gave me a nudge because that coat was there waiting for me to find it. I checked it over, bought it, washed it, and sent it to that sweet little girl. 

Sometimes God gives us nudges to do His work. We just have to listen. I am so glad I was paying attention. 

Creamy Fruit Salad {Kid Friendly}

1 large can fruit cocktail (do not drain)
1 large package of instant vanilla pudding
1 large can pineapple chunks (drain)
1 can (large) mandarin oranges (drain)
8 oz frozen whipped topping (thawed)

In a large bowl, pour in the can of fruit cocktail in and sprinkle in the instant pudding, and stir until the pudding dissolves.  Add pineapple chunks and oranges (make sure to drain liquid) Mix well.  Fold in the whipped topping and chill before serving. Keep refrigerated.


  1. Love the Goodwill story! Isn't it wonderful that God uses us mere humans to help Him do His work? :)

  2. Yes, it is wonderful Nainai! We just have to open up ourselves to receive His messages.

  3. Excellent recipe, made as written. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Rose, so glad you enjoyed it. It is a favorite around here.

  4. Looks yummy! How many oz are your cans of fruit cocktail, pineapple and oranges?

    1. The large can is round 30 oz and the rest are around 15 oz. Hope that helps.

  5. How big are the cans? Thanks.


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